Sunday, September 1, 2019

Video: The Malaysian Airlines MH17 Tragedy. What is Real, What is Fake? “Highly Likely” Can Mean Anything

Interview of independent Journalist Max Van Der Werff About the MH17 Crash

Global Research, September 01, 2019

Donbass Insider 28 September 2018

For all the people who follow the MH17 case, Max van der Werff is an outstanding analyst. After spending thousands of hours of investigation on the crash of the Malaysian airline, Max has become an expert on this case.
His blog, ironically called ‘Kremlin troll‘, is really a gold mine, containing a lot of useful information about what happened to the MH17, the available information, and what are the problems with the official investigation.
Recently, he gave an interview for the Philippine television about the status of the investigation, how he works on this case, what pushed him to investigate on the MH17, his doubts about the conclusion of the JIT, and how he hopes this case will end.
Watch the full interview in English (you can skip the three minutes which are in Filipino):
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