Monday, August 26, 2019

MAGA Republican Joe Walsh: Get Rid of Trump, Vote for Me

Global Research, August 26, 2019

Most of us agree. Donald Trump is a disaster. He’s an unmoored mental case consumed with attacking enemies real and perceived. Trump’s not Hitler or a white supremacist. He’s a malignant narcissist. 
Joe Walsh, a former Illinois Republican representative, wants to challenge Trump during the upcoming primaries. 
Friends, I'm in. We can't take four more years of Donald Trump. And that's why I'm running for President.

It won't be easy, but bravery is never easy. But together, we can do it. Join me... join us: go to .

Let's show the world we're ready to be brave.
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Not that it matters. A Walsh administration would be pretty much like the Trump administration. 
This would be true in one crucial regard—support for Israel. 
Joe and The Donald share this ugly obsession, this support for apartheid, slow-motion ethnical cleansing (so we won’t notice), and attacks against Syria and Iraq, and Lebanon once again (this time Israel says it will kill a whole lot of innocent civilians as it once again tries to destroy Hezbollah). 
Walsh, like Trump, wants Israel to annex the occupied territories. He advocates “the combined wrath of Israel and the United States” to force the Palestinians to accept continued military occupation, land theft, and ethnic cleansing. 
Back in 2011, Walsh wrote for the Daily Caller:
As a freshman Congressman, I am pro-Israel first and pro-peace second. True peace in the Middle East will only come when that is our nation’s stated policy and not the other way around. Most U.S. presidents have followed the old paradigm and tried to be an honest broker between the two sides. President Obama seems only to pay lip service to even that role, and clearly his sympathies lie with the Palestinians. He is not capable of achieving peace in the Middle East because he is not pro-Israel.
It is interesting Walsh believes—along with the rest of the MAGA crowd—that Obama worked against Israel during his tenure. This is categorically untrue. Obama paid empty lip service to the Palestinians and sided with Israel. He told Netanyahu and the Israelis “so long as there is a United States of America, Ah-tem lo lah-vahd (You are not alone).” 
In 2016, Jason Ditz wrote: 
White House officials were reported in the Israeli press today saying they are willing to immediately sign a memorandum of understanding on a record-large military aid package that would give Israel more money per year than any nation in US history.
The difference? Obama didn’t grovel at Netanyahu’s feet or yammer platitudes about the eternal love of the United States government for “the only democracy in the Middle East,” which is, of course, another lie. He did not change the “special relationship,” merely underplayed it while the Benjamins went from American taxpayers to colonialist settlers who not only hate Arabs and Muslims but Americans as well. 
WATCH: Take a look, “Inside Trump Heights.”The first Israeli settlement to be named after a sitting US president.

After dealing with Obama’s lack of support for 8-years, President Trump has restored the U.S.’s relationship with Israel.
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Joe’s not going to make it. Republicans will stand by their man, the contemptible Donald Trump, come hell or high water.
If Joe Walsh successfully divides the Republican side of the two-headed hydra and empowers the neocon Never Trump faction, the Democrats will take back the White House next year. They might do this anyway without Walsh’s help. If Trump wasn’t an ogre, his standing might be a little better, not that it matters. If the bottom falls out of the economy between now and the election, Trump will most certainly not be re-elected. 
The national security state will remain and US foreign policy will continue regardless of who sits in the White House or the state of the economy. 
Joe’s more of the same, albeit outwardly more well-mannered.  
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Kurt Nimmo writes on his blog, Another Day in the Empire, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
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