Sunday, August 11, 2019

Accused Pedophile / Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead

Global Research, August 11, 2019

According to unnamed US officials, Epstein was found dead in his federal Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center cell at around 7:30AM Saturday.
Was it suicide as reported or was he silenced to prevent revelations of high-level US and international figures involved in charges against him — including sex with and trafficking of minors.
After found injured/semi-conscious in his cell two weeks earlier, reportedly he was on suicide watch, meaning round-the-clock monitoring — likely by video camera, bright lights kept on in his cell round the clock, and regular guard inspections.
So how did he manage to take his own life under these conditions and not found until early morning, a suspicious conclusion, raising an obvious red flag.
Reportedly he was taken off suicide watch in late, perhaps less monitoring as well in a special housing unit continued.
Was it to leave no videotape evidence of murder, reported as suicide? The official report of his death leaves important questions unanswered.
The likelihood of silencing him to avoid trial and its damaging revelations about powerful people far outweighs the notion that he took his own life, and managed to do it unobserved with nothing in his cell enabling it.
Since arrested on July 6, he was held without bail, charged with one count of sex trafficking, another of sex trafficking conspiracy — with under-age girls.
If convicted in judicial proceedings, he faced up to 45 years in prison — likely for the rest of his life at aged-66.
According to Prison,
“(s)urviving prison can be extra tough for a sex offender, especially if their offenses include possessing, distributing, or producing child pornography, or soliciting minors for sexual activity.”
“Sex offenders face being ostracized or targeted by other prisoners, and are subjected to enhanced monitoring to ensure they are not engaging in risk-relevant behaviors.”
Epstein was a wealthy hedge fund manager/financier, the extent of his wealth unclear. According to New York magazine and Vanity Fair, there’s much about his business dealings and private life that’s shrouded in mystery.
NY magazine said he broke the mold of investors and financiers by operating privately and secretly.
“Most everyone on (Wall Street) heard of him, but nobody seems to know what the hell he is up to. Which is just the way he likes it,” said the publication.
Trump said he’s known him for 15 years, calling him “fun to be with. (H)e likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Vanity Fair called him “(a) man who loves women – lots of them, mostly young. Model types have been heard saying they are full of gratitude to Epstein for flying them around, and he is a familiar face to many of the Victoria’s Secret girls.”
He was the main investor and money manager for the founder of Limited Brands, Leslie Wexner, the parent company of Victoria’s Secret and other retailers.
Vanity Fair also described him as generous, vicious, reckless, and mysterious, adding “(h)e’s been untouchable, given a free pass by the very rich people, the very powerful people with whom he socializes and perhaps over whom he has leverage” — meaning dirt he may have as potential blackmail to get away with virtually anything until his past caught up with him this summer.
During his weeks earlier arraignment, he pleaded not guilty to federal criminal charges.
In 2008, he pleaded guilty to soliciting and procuring prostitution in Florida, received a slap-on-the-wrist 13 month sentence, letting him spend 12 hours daily at his office six days a week, shielded from federal prosecution, and became a registered sex offender.
In April, a federal judge ruled that Florida prosecutors (overseen by Alexander Acosta, Trump’s labor secretary until replaced for this issue) acted illegally by granting Epstein a secret plea bargain deal without letting his accusers know about it.
In July, Wikipedia scrubbed his page, removing mention of Dems and certain other high-profile figures alleged to have flown on his infamous Boeing 727 Lolita Express sex plane.
Bill Clinton reportedly flew on it 26 times. So did other high-profile figures on trips to Palm Beach, FL, the US Virgin Islands and elsewhere.
According to a Miami Herald report, Epstein sexually abused dozens of young girls at his homes in Florida and New York.
Given his close ties to numerous high-profile political, business, entertainment, and other figures with possible dirt he knows related to their sexual activities, did he take his own life or was he silenced to take his secrets to the grave?
As the saying goes, dead men tell no tales.
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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at

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