Monday, July 1, 2019

Is There a Pattern to the MH17 Blame Game?

Global Research, July 01, 2019

New Eastern Outlook 27 June 2019

Washington’s recent attempt to use the tragic downing of Malaysian flight MH-17 over the Donbass region of Ukraine, which occurred on July 17, 2014 is nothing short of pathetic. Instead of making an attempt to bring to justice those responsible for this crime it tries instead to unleash yet another wave of anti-Russian hysteria. In this situation, it’s only logical that this latest attempt has gone down in flames yet again.
It would seem that everything was done in accordance with a carefully drafted script. We’ve had a major media show with the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) coming forward to announce that the investigation was nearing closure. It’s curious that among those countries that have sent their representatives to JIT one can find Ukraine, a possible perpetrator of the attack on MH-17, alongside the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, and Belgium. Then we had the typical bad guy – Russia, that in the opinion of the JIT was most certainly responsible for the downing of MH-17 and the untimely demise of 298 people. Western puppets would even go as far as to release the names of four people allegedly responsible for the attack.
As for the puppeteers, they would use the head of the US Department of State, Michael Pompeo for making appeals to Russia to immediately put in jail those people the JIT described as perpetrators.
However, this entire propaganda push would only work on day-to-day consumers of American media, who still believe that Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi “got what they deserved” and that Iran and North Korea somehow represent some sort of threat to the international community. However, there’s an ever growing number of people in the world who wouldn’t fall for such lies anymore, as they’ve seen them all too often before.
There’s little doubt that the Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad is among such people, as he made it pretty clear that there’s no proof whatsoever of Russia’s involvement in the downing of MH-17. In fact, he would claim that:
We are very unhappy because from the very beginning it became a political issue on how to accuse Russia of the wrongdoing… So far there is no proof. Only hearsay.”
In turn, the founder of the conservative Dutch party Forum for Democracy, Thierry Baudet would announce that he has no confidence whatsoever in the JIT and its impartiality, while pointing out that Ukraine must be responsible for this attack.
According to Heise, there’s no doubt that Kiev is fully responsible for this tragedy, as it had failed to close the airspace over the contested territories of Donbass and withheld evidence from the investigation. It would add that the Dutch Safety Board was conducting its own investigation of the downing and at some point was convinced that Kiev was behind this attack, however it left a legal loophole for Kiev for it to escape any consequences. As for Russia, Heise argues, it was decided to name it responsible for this tragedy, since Ukraine was acting on Washington’s behalf in this downing and it will continue enjoying its protection.
It’s curious that the JIT final report has left a lot of questions unanswered, most of them emerge due to the absence of any actual evidence that could allow this body to allocate responsibility for the catastrophe to some party and could be used in court. Yet, the Netherlands and Australia were quick to announce that they had no doubt whatsoever, even though JIT would cite pictures and messages taken from social media as their sources of information. It didn’t bother those behind the so-called final report that they had no access to the Pentagon’s satellite images and any sort of data from Ukrainian radars, even though those could serve as actual evidence along with similar data Russia provided to shed light on the actual perpetrators of the attack.
The claims that certain Western media sources would make, about the downing of MH17 “rallying the West against Russia” can only be described as laughable, even though it’s clear that this was Washington’s initial intention which led to the release of the “final report”
Yet another attempt to present Russia as a bogeyman has garnered no sympathy in Europe, especially against the backdrop of revelations London has recently made about the role of its intelligence agencies in the downing of PA 103 three decades ago. Back then a bomb that exploded on board Pan American Flight 103, en route from London to New York was used to undermine Libya and warrant the overthrow of its leader – Muammar Qaddafi. What this false-flag essentially required was the falsification of evidence and the conviction in a rigged court proceeding of the wrong man. The extent of that operation has recently been exposed in a partial release of British Government documents from the UKs National Archives.
It’s been noted that those archive disclosures also show that the same modus operandi has been under way since 2014 to fabricate blame for the destruction of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine, and justify global sanctions against Russia, plus operations to overthrow Vladimir Putin.
That is why Malaysia must take the investigation into its own hands and receive all the necessary assistance from the international community to establish who was responsible for the MH17 downing. It’s clear that the JIT was more concerned with pleasing Washington than establishing the truth. 
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Grete Mautner is an independent researcher and journalist from Germany, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”  
Featured image is from NEO

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