Thursday, June 27, 2019

Hawks Behind Trump’s Back

B-Team pushing for war

Global Research, June 27, 2019

Iran is not provoking but is provoked by a group that wants a warbetween the U.S. and Iran.  Recently, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, and CIA directorGina Haspel all favored a military attack on Iran, in response to the downing of a drone.  However, the Pentagon officials had cautioned against an attack which could trigger a regional war of monumental proportions.
Pres. Trump does not want to start a war, but there is a group that is pushing him towards a reaction that would spark a war.  In April, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was speaking before the “Asia Society” in New York.  In that address, he warned that a group could be organizing a provocative event in order to escalate tensions between the U. S. and Iran.  However, he said Iran was prepared to react with restraint and patience.
Behind the scenes in the White House, there is a sub-plot running with an international cast of characters. The “B-Team” consists of National Security Advisor John Bolton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the UAE’s Mohammed bin Zayed.  They are perceived to be intent on pushing the U. S, and others into a military conflict with Iran. Bolton asked the Pentagon about possible plans, and he proposed hitting Iran with 500 missiles per day.
Saudi Arabia sent its intelligence chief and senior diplomat Adel al-Jubeir to London in order to pressure the UK government to strike Iran militarily, in the wake of Pres. Trump’s decision to abort the U.S. attacks.  They claimed to have fresh evidence against Iran, but the unnamed UK officials were not impressed. The duo’s next stop was Jerusalem, where they will meet with the Israelis and John Bolton.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday, for talks with Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, before flying on for talks with the UAE’s Mohammed bin Zayed, who are all part of a coalition in favor of military action against Iran.
Iranian Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh asserted the U.S. Global Hawk drone and Navy P-8 aircraft, with a crew of 35 onboard, were violating Iran’s airspace.  According to the Iranians, a decision was made to down the unmanned drone as a warning, but to spare the manned flight.  It is further claimed that several warnings were transmitted to both aircraft prior to action on June 20.   Lt. Col. Earl Brown, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command denied that either aircraft was in violation of Iranian airspace.  However, the Iranian military issued a precise map of the tracking of both aircraft, and it appears there was a slight deviation.
During the Six-Day War, on June 8, 1967, the Israeli military deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, an American ship that had been monitoring the conflict.  According to testimony given by U.S. officials, the radio transmissions were as follows:
Israeli pilot to ground control: “This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?”
Ground control: “Yes, follow orders.”
“But sir, it’s an American ship, I can see the flag!”
Ground control: “Never mind; hit it!”
While the deck was still being strafed by the Israelis, Seaman Terry Halbardier ran out onto the deck with a reel of cable and attached it to the antenna so a “Mayday” could go out to the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean.  Although badly wounded by Israeli fire, Capt. William McGonagle was able to keep the bombed, torpedoed, napalmed Liberty afloat. The death toll was 34 crewmen, and 174 wounded out of a total crew of 294.  The Israeli false flag attack was meant to have the U.S. believe that Eygpt had done it, and a massive U. S. attack on Egypt would follow.  If not for the American sailor’s bravery under fire, no one would have ever known the truth.  Israel is capable of any false flag event when it stands to benefit.
$ 259 million dollars was donated to the Trump 2016 campaign by Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, Paul Singer and Bernard Marcus.  The group has publicly stated they support military action against Iran; Adelson publicly suggested the use of nuclear weapons and led a campaign to remove H. R. McMaster and have him replaced with John Bolton.  Pres. Trump is now campaigning for re-election and will be mindful of those donors.
Donald J. Trump campaigned on promises of peace, a good economy, bringing troops home, and a new deal with Iran, which would prohibit Iran from ever making a nuclear weapon.  The previous dealwas time-limited, but Trump wants a binding agreement for all time.  He makes his own decisions and is willing to go against the hawks surrounding him??
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