Monday, April 1, 2019

Six Month-Old Baby Dies Just Five Days after Receiving 13 Vaccines

Global Research, April 01, 2019 23 April 2015

Imagine being emotionally blackmailed by your doctor to have your baby vaccinated with a lethal cocktail of 13 vaccines, which included two doses of the DTaP, three doses of the oral rotavirus vaccine and two doses of the polio vaccination. It sounds impossible, doesn’t it?
However, this is exactly what happened to Alisa Neathery when she took her six month-old unvaccinated baby to the doctor for the first time.
She told VacTruth:
“Prior to the shots being given, when the doctor was discussing the pros of getting vaccinated with me, he explained how he was from a village in Africa. That we were lucky in America to have the opportunity to receive vaccines because where he was from, the mothers had to have like 11 kids each, since most would die off from disease because they were not as fortunate to receive vaccines like we are here in America. He really pushed them on me hard. He spent a lot of time convincing me to give Bently the vaccines, but when it was done, we never saw the doctor again.”
According to Alisa, the doctor spent a long time deciding exactly which vaccinations Bently should receive and told Alisa that they shouldn’t give him too many. The doctor eventually decided on a total of 13 vaccinations, which Alisa now believes led to Bently’s death just five days later.
If this were not bad enough, the hospital then decided to blame Alisa for Bently’s death and called child protective services (CPS), who immediately removed her two year-old daughter from the home and gave her to the grandmother to care for her.
Fortunately, her daughter was returned a few months later.
Dr. Offit Says Babies Can Tolorate 10,000 Vaccines In One Day
In 2002, Dr. Paul Offit wrote a paper entitled Addressing Parents’ Concerns: Do Multiple Vaccines Overwhelm or Weaken the Infant’s Immune System? In his paper, he explained to parents that an infant can theoretically tolerate as many as 10,000 vaccinations at any one time and that a neonate could develop the capacity to respond to foreign antigens before they are even born.
He wrote that:
“A more practical way to determine the diversity of the immune response would be to estimate the number of vaccines to which a child could respond at one time. If we assume that 1) approximately 10 ng/mL of antibody is likely to be an effective concentration of antibody per epitope (an immunologically distinct region of a protein or polysaccharide), 2) generation of 10 ng/mL requires approximately 103 B-cells per mL,3) a single B-cell clone takes about 1 week to reach the 103 progeny B-cells required to secrete 10 ng/mL of antibody (therefore, vaccine-epitope-specific immune responses found about 1 week after immunization can be generated initially from a single B-cell clone per mL), 4) each vaccine contains approximately 100 antigens and 10 epitopes per antigen (ie, 103 epitopes), and 5) approximately 107 B cells are present per mL of circulating blood, then each infant would have the theoretical capacity to respond to about 10 000 vaccines at any one time (obtained by dividing 107 B cells per mL by 103 epitopes per vaccine).”
And he continued by adding:
“Of course, most vaccines contain far fewer than 100 antigens (for example, the hepatitis B, diphtheria, and tetanus vaccines each contain 1 antigen), so the estimated number of vaccines to which a child could respond is conservative. But using this estimate, we would predict that if 11 vaccines were given to infants at one time, then about 0.1% of the immune system would be ‘used up.’” [1]
Dr. Offit used the words estimate and predict throughout his paper, which leads many to believe that this paper was based upon POSSIBLE outcomes and contained very little scientific fact.
Sadly, it appears that Dr. Offit’s words were taken seriously by Bently’s doctor when he decided to vaccinate this previously unvaccinated baby with a total of 13 vaccinations in one day, in what can only be described as a bid to catch up.
The vaccinations included:
  • Two doses of the DTaP – diptheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine
  • Hib – haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine
  • IPV- inactivated polio vaccine
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
  • Three doses of oral rotavirus vaccine
Bently was also given three other vaccinations, which appear to be unidentified on his vaccination card, plus the hepatitis B vaccine and oral polio vaccine.
Little Bently died in his mother’s arms just five days later.
Alisa told VacTruth:
“My son Bently was almost 6 months old when I took him to the doctor for a visit and to begin his first round of vaccinations. I had decided to wait on his vaccinations until he was closer to the age when the sudden infant death (SIDS) rate lowers to begin him on the recommended vaccinations.
That day was April 5, 2012. He did have some congestion in his lungs. The doctor stated it was a slight congestion and that everything would be just fine. He was completely healthy and above his percentile for his age.
The doctor gave him 2 rounds of DTaP in one shot. I did not know this at the time. I didn’t find this out until after my son passed away and I went up to the doctor’s office to ask for his medical report from our visit. That particular injection was the worst for him.
As soon as they stabbed him with the needle, he let out a giant scream. After that, he was not the same. This injection actually happened to turn into a hard red knot on his leg where they stabbed him with DTaP. Even until he was laid to rest one month later, he still has the same hard red knot. I was never asked about why it was there.”
She continued by stating:
“He wouldn’t let me touch his leg. He screamed and cried constantly. I knew babies were fussy after vaccines, but this was excessive. His little vein in his head would bulge out when he cried. I didn’t know what to do. I had nothing telling me this was in any way unusual.
Within a few days he stopped making eye contact with us and he began to twitch and jerk. One side of his body began to slump slightly. If he was not being held, he would scream and cry constantly.
On April 10, 2012, my son appeared to be exceptionally well and he and my daughter played and watched TV while I cleaned the house. Around noon, my daughter laid down for a nap. Around 2 o’clock, my son began getting very sleepy. So he and I sat in our big chair and he fell asleep on my chest.
Two hours later, my husband came home from work and thought my son wasn’t moving. He woke me up saying the baby wasn’t breathing. All hell broke loose from that point on. Bently was pronounced dead at 5:35 pm. Five days after receiving his first and only round of vaccinations.”
This leaves many of us to question whether Bently’s doctor acted in the best interests of his patient or whether his actions were totally irresponsible and amounted to medical negligence.
Mother Did Not Give Her Full Informed Consent
In recent weeks, Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic was asked by activist parental groups in Texas and California to write an opinion in support of resisting the bills calling for abolishing all exemptions to vaccinations other than medical. [2]
In answer to their request, she wrote:
“Medical ethics demands that vaccination should be carried out with the participant’s full and informed consent. This necessitates an objective disclosure of the known or foreseeable vaccination benefits and risks. The way in which pediatric vaccines are often promoted by various health authorities indicates that such disclosure is rarely given from the basis of best available knowledge but rather, largely unproven and/or untenable assumptions on both, vaccine safety and effectiveness.”
Bently’s mother told VacTruth that she was never informed by her doctor exactly which vaccinations were going to be given to her son, nor was she informed of any risks associated with these vaccinations.
She told VacTruth that:
“The doctor asked me to bring him in each month after that April 5th visit to receive each round of shots in just a few months. He even stated that he didn’t want to give my sons little body too many. However the decision he made to give him 13 vaccines was completely excessive I believe.
Had I of known that’s what he was doing I would have refused. However he wasn’t completely forthcoming about what he was doing that day. As I said it wasn’t until I picked up his medical record a couple weeks later that I noticed the 3 separate sheets of paper with in his file stating what shots were ordered and I noticed that on each one it said DTaP twice.”
Many people may question the reason why Bently’s mother did not ask exactly which vaccinations her son was being given before her son was vaccinated, but she told VacTruth that she trusted her doctor and believed that he knew what he was doing.
Sadly, Alisa is one of thousands of parents trusting their doctors every day.
Many parents are unaware that every vaccination carries some risk of an adverse reaction and this is a fact that Dr. Tomljenovic made very clear in her letter to the members of the California Senate Committee. She wrote:
“All drugs are associated with some risks of adverse reactions. Because vaccines represent a special category of drugs which are by and large given to healthy individuals, and for prophylaxis against diseases to which an individual may never be exposed, the margin of tolerance for side effects is very narrow (in fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concurs with this point [1]) and careful assessment of risks versus benefits essential in deciding whether one should be vaccinated or not. Removing the parental rights to exemptions to childhood vaccinations will put vulnerable but otherwise healthy individuals at risk of serious adverse reactions to vaccinations. Such an outcome should be of concern since serious adverse reactions following routine vaccinations in children, including deaths, permanent neurological damage and disabling autoimmune and/or inflammatory conditions have been clearly described in the scientific literature [2-14]. Notably, cases of seizure attacks and deaths occurring as a result of routine vaccinations have occurred even in children and individuals without any relevant prior medical history [7, 15, 16] and in some cases a direct causal link was established between vaccination and the serious adverse reactions [16].”
In her letter, she referred to a paper written by Ken Tsumiyama et al. and stated that:
“It is further likely that an increasing number of individuals, regardless of their genetic background, will react adversely if exposures to compounds with immune adjuvant properties exceed a certain threshold. This concept has in fact been clearly demonstrated by Tsumiyama et al. [57] who in 2009 showed that repeated immunization with antigen causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases.” [2]
Interested by this statement, I decided to research their paper, titled Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity, and discovered that Tsumiyama et al. had concluded:
“Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system’s self-organized criticality.” [3]
If they are correct, then their paper proves that Dr. Paul Offit is incorrect and that multiple vaccinations can overwhelm an infant’s immune system, causing a variety of adverse reactions and, in some cases, death.
In further reference to their paper, Dr. Tomlejenovic stated that:
“It is true that people are exposed constantly to infectious agent in the environment, however, there is a vast difference between natural exposure and that induced by vaccinations. The reason for this is that the immune response induced by vaccination is greatly amplified, owing to the addition of adjuvants with immune-stimulating properties.”[2] (emphasis added)
Her words make absolute perfect sense and parents should ask themselves whether or not their children are being over-vaccinated.
The Lasting Impact Of Bently’s Tragic Loss
I asked Alisa how she and her family have coped with the tragedy of losing a baby at such a young age, and if she had any words that she would like to share with other families. She said:
“I wish he were still here! It kills me daily to see my daughter play ALONE. She shouldn’t have had to go through this kind of loss, none of us should. He was such a sweetheart. He adored his sister, father and I. All of that was stolen from us the day he received all those vaccines.
After that day, he was no longer the same. It completely ripped my entire family apart. Most of my family thought it must have been my fault because infants just don’t die like that, or so they thought.
All his short life he had been a healthy, happy and extremely content little boy. Ahead of his percentiles and then to just die … so, to my family, it must have been my fault somehow. They did not support my husband and I. We did nothing to deserve that and it’s all because some dangerous, ignorant doctor decided to ruin our lives and steal all the joy from us by killing our son.
I know without a doubt Bently WOULD STILL BE ALIVE if it weren’t for the vaccines and that damn doctor and the decisions he made that day. He caused my son to lose his life.
Since that day, my grandma, my mom and my husband’s mom have all died. They went to their graves being on bad terms with my husband and me. Again, something we can never get back, and we feel it’s all due to my son’s death being ruled as unexplained.
It was listed on his death certificate as ‘S.U.D.S. SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED UNEXPECTED DEATH SYNDROME.’ There has been no justice for my son whatsoever. We want answers, answers that we never got! All we have been left with is loss after loss after loss! That is not ok on any level! I will never vaccinate again, period! We cannot afford to lose any more.”
Deciding on whether to vaccinate your baby is never easy. In this case, Alisa decided to hold back on having her baby vaccinated until he was older. She was then emotionally blackmailed and forced into having her baby over-vaccinated with a massive cocktail of vaccines, by whom many would call an overzealous doctor.
She was not offered any information on the vaccinations being given to her baby, she was not given any paperwork and she was not offered any advice on any possible adverse reactions.
Alisa trusted her doctor to do the right thing and was let down in the worse possible way and believes that the doctor should be held accountable for the death of her son. She said:
“No one was ever held accountable for my son Bently’s death. That kills me every day.”
She is now bringing a case against her doctor.
If you would like to help Alisa and her family to get justice, please go to Baby Bently’s Support Campaign.
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