Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Selected Articles: Monsanto Verdict, Economic Sanctions, NATO Criminal Minds

Global Research, March 20, 2019

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By EWG, March 20, 2019
Today’s verdict in favor of a California man who said his cancer was caused by exposure to Bayer AG’s Roundup weedkiller is further evidence that glyphosate, the herbicide’s active ingredient, is carcinogenic to humans, said Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook.
By Dr. Leon Tressell, March 20, 2019
According to the Trump regime, a US-China trade deal is on the horizon. If a trade deal is reached then no doubt global stock markets will surge even further into over inflated bubble territory. Bloomberg estimates a trade deal could add 10% to global equities. 
By Telesur, March 20, 2019
As part of the ongoing sanctions and attempts to destabilize the Venezuelan government, the U.S. government announced the new measure that aims to block state mining assets and prohibit U.S citizens from dealing with the company. The decision comes after Uganda said it was investigating its biggest gold refinery for importing Venezuelan gold.
By Edward Curtin, March 20, 2019
I am not referring to the conspiracy theories of George W. Bush, Colin Powell, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump and other such luminaries concerning events such as the attack of September 11, 2011, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the ongoing war on terror, Julian Assange’s alleged ties to Russia, etc.  These people’s conspiracy theories have nothing to do with petty crime, for their handiwork is grand indeed. They are “big people”.
By Rep Tulsi Gabbard and Rick Sterling, March 20, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard visited the San Francisco Bay Area last weekend. The 3 term Congresswoman from Hawaii is 37 years old and ethnically diverse. Remarkably, she has 15 years military experience in the US Army and National Guard as well as substantial political experience. She was elected to the Hawaii State Assembly at age 21.
By Aidan O’Brien, March 20, 2019
In a cheerful press conference, in Brussels, on January 25, this year, Ardern reaffirmed New Zealand’s “close partnership” with NATO. Standing alongside NATO’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, Ardern stated that New Zealand “sought to play its role and part [alongside NATO] in the defense of values and norms, we hold dear”.
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 19, 2019
The demonization of Slobodan Milsovic by so-called “Progressives” has served over the years to uphold the legitimacy of the NATO bombings. It has also provided credibility to “a war crimes tribunal” under the jurisidiction of those who committed extensive war crimes in the name of social justice.
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