Monday, March 25, 2019

Crimes against Humanity: America’s Rubkan Concentration Camp in Southern Syria: 40,000 Held Hostage

Global Research, March 25, 2019

Syria News 11 March 2019

US occupier forces again show their ugly political face in recreating the SS at al Rukban Camp in Syria, holding approximately 40,000 Internally Displaced Persons hostages, despite the opening of two humanitarian corridors for their safe passage. US temp ‘diplomat’ Jonathan Cook made this threat at the UN on 30 January — and though the US never keeps its promises, it always keeps its threats.
Plans to dismantle the Rukban concentration camp were reported last October. The existence of this open air prison received massive western coverage in November, when the US finally permitted a convoy of 78 trucks filled with humanitarian aid, to safely enter. The source of the anti-Syria colonialist propaganda was “Terrorist Barbie,” al Qaeda’s press liaison, who omitted the facts of joint SAA, UN, & SARC convoys previously being bombed during each attempt to bring food and medicine during a 10 month period.
Rukban Concentration Camp for Syrian Displaced Refugees
SANA reports on the current war criminal activity against Syrians in Rukban, using diplomatic euphemisms:
“Damascus, SANA — The United States continues to adopt hypocrisy and misleading methods in its international policies, especially in the humanitarian issue.
“It has appointed itself a policeman for the world to put lists of states that violate human rights while it should be on the top of this list due to  its black history in violating the peoples’ rights and trading with the tragedy of thousands of people around the world.
“The issue of thousands of displaced Syrians trapped in al-Rukban camp in al-Tanf area on the Syrian-Jordanian border for nearly five years is one of the humanitarian catastrophes that the United States alone is responsible for .
“It has been blocking  the exit of civilians held as hostages by terrorist groups and preventing them from returning to their homes in the state-controlled safe areas which have been cleared of terrorism by the Syrian army.
“US forces prevent displaced from exiting the camp, while militants are forcibly holding them inside, demanding large sums of money in US dollars to let them out.
“This openly uncovers the claims of Washington and its allies about their keenness on protecting civilians and divulges their support for the terrorist groups which control the camp, treat the people inside the camp as hostages, and put hands on the relief aid sent to the displaced.
“Days ago, The Russian and Syrian Joint Coordination Committees on Repatriation of displaced Syrians confirmed that situation of the besieged civilians in al Rukban Camp remains disastrous.
“They emphasized that Washington should take steps to disband the camp and pull its forces out of the area.
“The committees said in a joint statement that the US-backed terrorist organizations have been forcibly keeping thousands of  civilians for 1773 days, adding that the situation in the camp remains disastrous and its residents have to survive in the most difficult conditions, facing militant violence on a daily basis
“The Russian Defense Ministry, for its part, asserted that ‘the US forces prevented the buses prepared by Syria and Russia to reach al Rukban camp to evacuate the Syrian civilians, denouncing this behavior.’
“The Syrian government, in cooperation with its allies and international humanitarian organizations, did its best  to secure the return of the displaced and provide them with basic services.
“On February 19, Syria, in cooperation with Russia, opened two humanitarian corridors in the towns of Jaleeb and Jabal Al-Ghorab on the outskirts of al-Tanf, but the US occupation forces foiled the operation and prevented vehicles from reaching the camp to transport those willing to leave.
“The ministry said in a statement that despite these measures, however, the exit of from al Rukban camp remains complicated. The US side prevents buses from evacuating the displaced people and refuses to ensure safety of the humanitarian convoys within the 55-km radius around its base in al-Tanf.
“It called on the international community not to believe Washington false claims, open its eyes to the situation in the camp and to believe only facts and real deeds instead of pure words by the U.S. side.
‘“We have repeatedly pointed to the hypocrisy of the American side, which declares its commitment to recognize humanitarian values, but at the same time does nothing to implement them.’
“The ministry refuted  allegation of the representative of ‘International Coalition’ Command that no obstacles were set to the free movement of displaced persons while the First Secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Alex Hawke, outlined a number of conditions for departure from the camp.
“The fate of thousands of displaced Syrians remains suspended and controlled by terrorists backed by US forces deployed in the camp area and by the political blackmail practiced by Washington without taking into account the humanitarian situation for those people.”
To hell with the overly polite language; the “International Coalition” launched by Obama and accelerated by Trump is a gang of war criminals. Most are signatories to the Geneva Treaties on International Law, which these perpetrators of genocide flaunt with impunity.
Let us be earsplitting with our screams for accuracy: The US is illegally in Syria, as unlawful as were the Nazis in Poland, Hungary, The Netherlands, et al. US occupation forces keeping Syrians imprisoned in al Rukban are recreating the brutal actions of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (“Protection Squadron” [!!!]), better known as the “SS.”
US strikes in Syria may be lawful if Syria consents to the use of force in their territory.  If Syria does not consent, the strikes would violate international law, unless the US demonstrates that the strikes were taken in self-defense.  — Sarah Knuckey, international lawyer and Professor at Columbia Law School
Do not expect the UN to condemn these crimes against the Syrians held hostage in Rukban. The UN is run by the P3 mafioso clique, and is silent on atrocities — including against their own personnel, including when Turkey was shelling the UN-OPCW as it was removing Syria’s chemical weapons, in 2013.
The UN “is a place to demolish peace and security, to destabilize societies.” It has averted its gaze as its own General Assembly breaches its Charter. It supports terrorism in Syria, and it repugnant imperialist fashion, it has attempted to sabotage return of Syrian refugees from the diaspora.
Back in 2017, UNHCR head Andrej Mahecic ‘warned’ the almost 500,000 returning Syrians that it was not yet safe (for some of the most putrid of the UN’s neocolonialist arrogance against Syria, read Syria News reports on terrorist-lover and criminal liar, de Mistura).
Do not expect western serfs to even notice these crimes against Rukban concentration camp; fake liberal and fake conservative are still — in excellent Mockingbird fashion — fighting over the rights of the world’s human garbage dumped into Syria, while ignoring Syria’s rights.
Nonetheless, the facts are clear: The United States occupiers in Syria have recreated the SS at Rukban Camp.
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