Monday, December 10, 2018

Trump Regime Arming and Training Ukrainian Forces for War. Should Donbass Join Russia?

Global Research, December 10, 2018

The Ukraine Freedom Support Act (UFSA) of 2014 authorized US lethal and non-lethal aid to Kiev. 
The US and other NATO countries supply its forces with heavy and other weapons, along with training to use them. The only external threats its regime faces are invented one. No real ones exist.
A state of war initiated by Ukraine exists between the US-installed puppet regime and Donbass freedom fighters – breaking away from Kiev over wanting democratic governance, rejecting illegitimate fascist rule.
In April 2014, less than two months after the Obama regime’s coup, replacing democratic governance with Nazi-infested putschists, Ukrainian forces attacked the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (DPR and LPR) in Donbass.
US orchestrated war continues intermittently. Washington and Kiev willfully undermined Minsk I and II conflict resolution agreements, wanting war, not peace, near Russia’s border.
Full scale war could resume any time. Last week, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the Ukrainian Poroshenko regime is “ready to do anything, even unleash a new blitzkrieg in southeastern Ukraine” (the Donbass region), adding:
“(W)e have been hearing about ongoing preparations for possible military actions by the Ukrainian armed forces in Donbass.”
“(T)he Kiev regime is trying to use the cover of information noise to direct the international community’s attention to its own provocation in the Kerch Strait which it tries to pass off as aggressive actions taken by Russia.”
“Substantial offensive forces are being redeployed in that region and dispersed along the contact line. (P)hotos of tank units redeployed to Mariupol were posted on social media.”
“(A)irborne assault and mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian armed forces are being redeployed in the conflict zone. In November, the personnel of these brigades underwent training at the training ranges in the Zhytomyr and Lvov regions overseen by the US, Canadian and British instructors.”
“(M)artial law is (a pretext), conceal(ing) plans to stage another provocation in Donbass,” portrayed as “Russian aggression.”
The Trump and Theresa May regimes appear to be planning more aggression in Donbass by Ukrainian forces – to be launched whenever the US and Britain order their Kiev proxies to attack.
Resumption of full-scale war could come any time, the November 25 Kerch Strait incident perhaps prelude for what’s planned.
On Saturday, People’s Republic of Lugansk (RPL) spokesman Andrei Marochko said Ukrainian forces are conducting live fire drills, using Strela-10 surface-to-air missile systems near the contact line with Donbass.
Minsk II requires both sides to withdraw heavy weapons from an agreed on security zone – 50 km from it for artillery of 100mm calibre or more, 70 km for multiple rocket launchers, and 140 km for Tornado-S, Uragan, Smerch, and Tochka U tactical missile systems.
Kiev breached Minsk I and II agreements straightaway. Shelling by its forces on Donbass goes on intermittently, more heavily in recent days.
Marochko accused Kiev of “(v)iolating the heavy weapons withdrawal line,” its actions “contribut(ing) to the worsening situation in this region” – OSCE monitors failing to report flagrant Poroshenko regime Minsk breaches.
“The enemy continues to strengthen the grouping of forces in the area of the Operation of the United Forces of Ukraine,” Marochko stressed.
Unidentified soldiers in NATO uniforms were spotted in areas controlled by Kiev close to Donbass, LPR press representative Yakov Osadchy explained.
According to the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) deputy chief of staff Eduard Basurin, Kiev forces are planning an attack with banned toxic weapons in Gorlovka, an area they control.
DPR intelligence reported that UK military forces arrived in Kiev-controlled Artyemovsk to prepare a CW attack on the DPR, along with sabotaging its Stirol plant, a diversionary tactic to draw its defense forces away from an area so Kiev troops can penetrate it – followed by land and sea attacks on civilians to cause mass casualties to be blamed on Donbass freedom fighters, Basurin said, adding:
The above actions are intended as “pretext(s) for a massive missile airstrike on critical infrastructure and areas.”
“In particular, aircrafts shall target military equipment storage sites, established in accordance with the Minsk Agreements, arms and fuel depots, civilian infrastructure.”
Resumption of full-scale war could follow. Is this what the Trump and Theresa May regimes have in mind?
In May 2014, Donetsk and Lugansk residents voted overwhelmingly by referendum for independence from fascist rule by Kiev they reject.
Their leadership sought to join Russia. Donbass and the Russian Federation share a common border.
If the Kremlin had been willing to let Donetsk and Lugansk join the Russian Federation the way it accommodated Crimeans,  correcting a historic mistake, years of war by Kiev on Donbass might have been avoided.
It’s not too late to let Donbass join  Russia, affording its people the same rights and safety as all other Russian citizens.
Is it a way to lessen the chance of Kiev forces attacking Russian territory? Their actions depend on what Washington has in mind.
The risk of East/West confrontation remains a threat Russia has to prepare for given US hostility toward the country and its aims for global dominance – whether Donbass is independent or part of the Russian Federation.
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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
Featured image is from Stars and Stripes

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